Road Traffic Accidents: Emergency Vehicle Liability

When it comes to Injury Law and whether you are entitled to make compensation claims there is often a lot of confusion amongst the public. We often have people enquiring about a claim they want to make, but who are unsure about whether or not they have the right to do so, especially when it comes to accidents that involve emergency vehicles.

With accidents involving emergency vehicles it is the same procedure as any other as it is important to establish who was at fault, this will then tell you whether or not you are entitled to compensation.  Like all accidents there will always be a party who was the victim, here at Your lawyers we are here to help.

Although drivers of emergency vehicles are allowed to exceed the speed limit, or cut through traffic when need be, they also have a responsibility to exercise reasonable care to other road users whilst driving.  If they fail to do this, causing someone injury then that person may be entitled to claim compensation.

However at the same time other road users must do all they can to give emergency vehicles the right of way. Sirens and blue lights are used to alert other drivers when an emergency vehicle needs the right of way.  Therefore if someone fails to take note of the warning signals, which causes an accident, then they can be held partly responsible.

If the driver or passenger of an emergency vehicle is involved in an accident then they may also be able to claim compensation.

How to make a claim

The law requires that the police must be informed as soon as possible if an accident with an emergency vehicle takes place.  The police will then record the details and produce a report, which will be important if a compensation claim is pursued.

If you have been involved in an accident concerning an emergency vehicle or know of someone who has, call The Injury Lawyers for FREE on 0800 634 7575 for more information.

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