Road Rage

Car accidents happen on our roads every day, they are constantly reported on the news and often the reason to endless queues of traffic jams.

However, the reason that accidents happen differs depending on a number of factors. It could be because someone pulled out in front of you, or someone slammed their brakes on and you went into the back of them.

Whatever the reason there is normally someone who is at fault.

In Road Traffic Accidents there is a general principle of negligence that states a driver should not do anything that they think might cause injury to other road users.

The roads are a stressful place, and probably count for the reason half of our nation is constantly nursing a headache.

When waiting to pull out of a junction it can seem like hours before a gap emerges in the traffic. This often gets frustrating, because if you’re anything like me you probably get annoyed that no one thinks to stop and give you the right of way.

This often results in some drivers thinking ‘to hell with it’ and pulling out on an innocent, unsuspected driver. In most cases you probably just receive an aggressive sound of the horn, maybe a few violent hand gestures and away you go.  

However in some circumstances it is not as simple as that. I once had someone pull out on me, and due to the dry weather conditions I managed to stop just inches away from them. If the roads had been wet, or icy the outcome may not have been so simple.

You see no matter how stressed you are, you still carry the principle of negligence to other road users, and should therefore do everything you can to ensure safety to others.

If someone has caused you injury by doing any of the above then you may be able to claim for compensation.

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