Bizarre 3D Image Gives Drivers A Reality Check

A children running out in front of your car is something all drivers fear. It would be a terrifying experience for anyone, and would certainly make them think twice before getting back into the driving seat.

However a school in Canada seems to think that drivers need a reality check on accidents like this. So they have decided to use a bizarre optical illusion of a school girl running out in front of drivers chasing her ball.

The image of the girl chasing the ball is painted on the road, in a way that when drivers come within 30 metres of it, it appears 3D.  

Some critics have commented saying that the children’s image is likely to cause more accidents than it’s worth, as at first sight they may not realise it’s an illusion.

From a distance the child just looks like a road making, however when you reach a distance of 30 metres it appears to jump up right in front of you.

Safety experts say that the alarming image is designed to prepare drivers for the unexpected.

The illusion is set to be placed outside Ecole Pauline Johnson Elementary School in Vancouver, Canada.

The image will be accompanied with a sign that reads ‘You’re probably not expecting kids to run into the road.’

Council bosses say that the image will be removed after a week, and is there to encourage drivers to driver defensively.

Thousands of children both in the UK and the United States are involved in car accidents each year. Children, especially those at a young age, don’ realise the danger they are putting themselves in when running out in front of a car.

If you or your child have been involved in a car accident, and it wasn’t your fault then you may have the right to claim for compensation. If you would like more information an independent solicitors firm that specialise in injury law will be able to help you.

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