Driver parks car in gents toilets of Wrexham pub

Guests and owners of the Wrexham pub, The Gredington Arms got a surprise when they heard a bang outside. A blue Seat Leon had drove through the gents toilet wall of the building. Thankfully the five occupants of the car were lucky enough to escape any serious injury from the crash, unfortunately the pub wasn’t. The car had embedded itself into the wall, with its bonnet crumpled and doors hanging open.

The passengers of the vehicle are thought to be in their teens or early 20s, and the only reported injury was of a fractured wrist.

The Landlady Di Watson, who owns the pub with husband Rob, told the Daily Mail:

“I have feared something like this could happen for a long time. I have previously spoken to the highways agency about my concerns at the speed cars go past here but I’ve been unable to get the speed limit lowered. I hope steps are now taken to do something to help the situation.”

The owners of the pub are now calling for a reduction in the speed limit on Holt Road, where the pub is located. They say this is not the first time there has been an accident in the area.  

Many country roads allow motorists to drive at the national speed limit, or at least give them the option too. However, as we are all probably aware, country roads are some of the most dangerous in the UK. With extremely narrow roads, vicious bends and sometimes overgrown greenery… Driving at 60mph isn’t a comfortable or safe experience for many vehicle owners.

Most drivers will choose to drop their speed limit, as they probably know speed can kill.

However in some circumstances accidents are unavoidable.

If like Mrs Watson you have been subject to a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault then The Injury Lawyers can help. We offer free, partial advice to anyone looking to make a personal injury claim… So for more information give us a call free from a mobile or landline on 0800 634 7575 today.

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