Remarkable Recovery for Victim of Chip Fat Attack

We at The Injury Lawyers assist thousands of innocent victims claiming for compensation for accidents and incidents – and there are so many ways in which people can end up injured. Every so often we see the crazier stories in our offices and in the news – and this next story is quite simply shocking to read.

According to sources from the Daily Mail, a woman has made a remarkable recovery after she was attacked with scolding hot chip fat which was thrown over her face and her body. The story however describes something short of a miracle; twenty one year old Hannah Orpin, the victim of the attack, has made such a substantial recovery; the scars are difficult, if not impossible, to see.

It was feared that the scars from the attack would permanently disfigure her. Take a look at the photos following the attack on the source website – they are truly disturbing. The website advises that Hannah was on her way back to Dagenham with her father and some friends when they stopped for a burger at the Log Cabin Burger Van. Whilst waiting for their order, the server, Alyssa Wallis, started mimicking them for seemingly no reason at all. One of the group asked Wallis when the food would be ready – at this point, Wallis “flipped” and threw a burger at the group. Hannah responded by throwing a small cup of garlic sauce back at her, at which point, Wallis grabbed a chip basket containing hot fat and swung it straight at Hannah.

According to the report, Wallis was probably going to throw a second pot of fat at Hannah; however this was knocked out of her hands. What came next was the agony for Hannah as the burning fat seared her skin, causing her to scream in pain. Hannah desperately attempted to cool down her face with puddle water, at which point two nearby RAC workers stepped in and provided water from their tanks. Hannah was later advised that cooling the fat down so quickly may have prevented her from being scarred for life by stopping the fat from burning. Hannah was later treated at Broomfield Hospitals burns unit, where they were forced to shave her head to prevent infection.

The report goes on to say that the attacker received a 12 month suspended sentence after pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm.

As you can see from the website photographs, Hannah has made a remarkable recovery. Any scarring does not appear visible to the naked eye – she certainly seems lucky to have not been disfigured from the attack. Such a scar for life would have been a tragic and terrible thing to have to live with.

It’s these types of senseless acts that really do just make you wonder about the people you interact with on a daily basis. It’s just something you cannot predict! But if you are ever injured in an accident or an incident that was not your fault, contact an expert firm of specialist perusal injury lawyers for the guidance and representation you need to make a claim for compensation.

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