Brain Injuries

There are two types of brain injuries, an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).  The ABI is any type of brain injury that occurs since birth, there are many possible causes such as stroke, infection, haemorrhage and medical accidents. TBI occurs if the head receives a severe blow or jolt, this can be from an accident, fall or assault and causes the brain to be damaged.

Because everyone’s brain is so unique each brain injury is different. It is dependent on a number of factors such as the type of injury, the location and severity.

Effects of Brain Injury:

  • Cognitive: affect the way a person thinks, learns and remembers. Different mental abilities are located in different parts of the brain, this means that a head injury can damage some but not all skills. 
  • Emotional and behavioural: It is a possibility that everyone who suffers from a head injury may have changes within their emotions and behaviour. Although this is harder for medics to see, it can be the most difficult for the families to deal with.
  • Physical effects:  Although most  patients make an excellent physical recovery, there is a chance that physical affects may have an impact on their everyday life.
  • Hormonal imbalances and pituitary: The hypothalamus or pituitary gland may become damaged after brain injury, this can result in the increase or decrease in the release of one or more hormones.

When someone is recovering from a brain injury they may need a rehabilitation period to get them used to everyday life. As the effects of a brain injury can be wide ranging, there may be a number of different specialists involved.  These include:

  • Nurses
  • Doctors
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Clinical Neuropsychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Rehabilitation units

Someone suffering from a brain injury is likely to have been effected financially. This can be a stressful and confusing time, for the both the patient and family members involved. If you have suffered from a brain injury and it wasn’t your fault, for example you may have been involved in a car accident or a fall. Then you may be able to make a brain injury compensation claim. Here at the Injury Lawyers our team of fully qualified injury solicitors will give you free partial legal advice. We will take on your claim on a no win, no fee basis, and simply recover our costs from the other side.

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