Cyclists Guide

The roads of today understand that cyclists need room too. On the busiest of roads the local councils have created cycle lanes, where cyclists can feel at safety from other vehicles. If you’re a cyclist it’s understandable that you may sometimes feel intimidated by other drivers. Especially when they over take you, or are trying to over take you on smaller roads.

When cycling it is important that you wear the suitable cycling gear, the most important been a safety helmet. You should make sure that the safety helmet you are wearing is of high quality, because if you do become involved in an accident this could be the thing that saves your life. It’s also a good idea to wear knee or shoulder pads, these will also provide high levels of protection if you do become involved in an accident. Wearing high-visibility clothing or having lights fitted to the front and rear of your cycle will help other drivers see you.

Just like motor vehicles, it is important that the tyres on your bike are in good condition. You also need to make sure that your brakes are working in case you need to make a sudden stop. You should regularly get your bike checked over to make sure everything is safe and working correctly.

Using equipment such as MP3 players and mobile phones should be avoided when cycling. This will take your concentration off the road and increase the chance of you been involved in an accident.

If you are well enough after the accident try to get the contact details of anyone who witnessed it. You should also try to exchange details with the other person involved in the collision. It is important to get as much information as you can, including the name of the driver, their address and contact number, their registration number, the type of vehicle they were driving and their insurance details.

If you are taken straight to hospital after the accident the police should take down the contact details of the other party involved, they will then pass these onto you up on request.

If you have been involved in a cycle accident the Injury Lawyers will be able to help you. We will handle your claim on a no win no fee basis, and you will receive 100% compensation. If you think that you may be able to make a compensation claim then contact the Injury Lawyers for free legal advice today.

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