Slips and Falls at Work

If you’ve been injured in a slip or fall at work then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. Slips and falls at work can shatter lives, especially if the damage they cause is severe. After an injury some victims are unable to work for months, some are unable to return to the area of work they were injured in. This has serious implications on their future of employment.

If you slipped or fell when using equipment at work then you are entitled to injury compensation, if the injury wasn’t your fault. Whether you fell from a chair reaching for something or were given the wrong ladder, you may be able to make an slip, trip or fall compensation claim. It could even be that you were walking around at work and tripped over a wire that should have been covered up.

It is important that in all instances of accidents at work that you report them to your employer or the person responsible for health and safety at work. They should then record the accident in the accidents at work book (all businesses should have one of these). This will then allow them to see what caused the accident, and how to prevent it in the future.

Reporting an accident at work to your employer will also help you when looking into an injury compensation claim. Your lawyer will be able to request this document from your employer and use it as evidence when pursuing the claim.

If you become injured in an accident at work, it is advised that you seek medical attention. They will be able to advise you on your injuries and whether you need further examination. Up on your visits you should also mention that you gained these injuries during an accident that took place in the work area. They will then put this information onto your medical records; they may also ask what caused the accident.

Here at the Injury Lawyers we deal with injury compensation claims every day, so are familiar with accidents that happen in the work place. If you have been injured in an accident at work in the last three years and it wasn’t your fault then you may be entitled to compensation. If you wish to speak to a lawyer regarding a possible claim or would like some free legal advice then contact us today.

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