Accidents in a Gym

With the ongoing development within the world of fitness, and the growing obsession with staying healthy it is no surprise that more and more of us are starting to go to the gym. And why not, the gym is a fun, friendly place and creates an upbeat environment that allows us to socialise with others whilst maintaining a healthy life-style.

Gyms contain all different types of equipment, and these could be dangerous if you don’t know how to use them properly. If it is the first time you have used a gym, or you choose to join a different gym to the one you previously attended you will need to have an induction. An induction is when one of the fitness instructors shows you how to use all of the equipment in the gym safely.

Upon induction they should take you round, and make sure that you understand how each piece of equipment is used, after doing so they will ask you to fill out a form saying that you have been shown and understand how to use all of the equipment. This document then covers yours and their back if you do become involved in an accident whilst using the gym equipment.

It covers the gym because it shows that they made sure that you knew how to operate the equipment safely, and covers you because you understood the advice and help that the induction offered.

When using gym equipment, such as weights, it can be extremely dangerous, especially on the bench press. If you don’t release a weight properly you could become injured, when using the gym a fitness instructor should be present at all times. It is their job to make sure everyone is using the equipment correctly, and that there are no hazards, such as spillages or broken machines.

When involved in a gym accident you should let a member of staff know as soon as possible, there should be first aiders on site who will attend to your injuries. They will also have an accident report book so should write any injuries you have sustained in here. It is important that you take the names of any staff that attended to you and record the time of the accident. Gyms are busy places so it is likely someone will have witnessed the accident, it would also be a good idea to take down their contact details. 

If you do become involved in an accident whilst using a gym and become injured due to this, if the accident wasn’t your fault you may be able to make a compensation claim. If you would like to speak to one of our fully trained lawyers about a possible claim or would like free legal advice then you should contact the Injury Lawyers. We will work with you every step of the way to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

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