Children’s Accidents at Leisure Centres

A day out at a leisure centre should be a fun experience for your child, whether they are swimming, ice skating or taking part in sporting activities. All leisure centres must ensure that health and safety standards are met, to provide the best possible care to their customers.

As a parent you should feel safe leaving your child with staff at the centre, because they will be qualified in whatever area of sport your child is taking part. One coach can only be responsible for a certain amount of children so it is the centres job to make sure the correct numbers of coaches are provided.

When you leave your child at a sports centre, especially for a school holiday camp, where you will be away all day, you should be asked to fill in an information form. This form should ask for information such as:

  • Your child’s name, age and address
  • Your name and contact number
  • An emergency contact name and number
  • Any allergies your child may have
  • Any special requirements

This will allow your child to be given the care they require, and means the staff will be able to get in touch with you if need be.

All sporting activities usually have an age range, for example some clubs may be for 8-14 year olds. In this case no child under 8 or over 14 will be able to attend the activity, it is important that staff check all the children’s ages. If a child aged 7 attended and became injured in an activity that was for 8-14 years, the insurance may be affected for the club and they could be held liable for not checking the child’s age.

When children do attend activities at leisure centres in most cases the staff will do all they can to ensure their safety. All leisure centres carry out regular building checks to make sure there are no hazards around the building.   

Unfortunately there are some accidents that cannot be prevented. If your child has been involved in an accident whilst visiting a leisure centre then you may be able to make a compensation claim on their behalf. If you would like to speak to one of our lawyers and receive some free legal advice then contact the Injury Lawyers. Our team of fully trained lawyers will keep you informed throughout the claim, and every single penny of the compensation will go to you.

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