Pulling out at Junctions

When pulling out at junctions it is important that you look both ways, making sure it is safe to do so. As you’re aware not only do you need to look out for oncoming cars, but also other vehicles such as motor bikes and cycles.

There are some junctions when it is not possible to see oncoming traffic from both directions. You should handle these junctions with care. Some of these may be referred to as ‘stop junctions’. This is to make drivers aware that they need to take extra care. They can be identified by a red sign, with stop in white writing.

When drivers approach junctions like these they should slow down, in case another driver pulls out on them. If they’re travelling at a safe speed they should be able to stop if a driver does pull out on them.

If you do become involved in an accident whilst pulling out at a junction, the negligence of both parties involved will be decided by the speed of the oncoming vehicle, the type of junction and the driver who pulled out.

When involved in a road traffic accident it is important that you:

  • Take the name, address and telephone number of the other party involved
  • Take down their insurance details
  • Take down the type of vehicle they were driving and its registration number
  • If there were any witnesses to the accident it is important that you take down their name and contact details
  • If you have a camera available take photos of the accident scene
  • If you have been injured seek medical attention
  • Take photos of any visible injuries.

If you have been involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, and suffered injuries due to this then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. Our team of fully trained lawyers will handle your claim on your behalf, keeping you informed every step of the way. If you would like more information about injury compensation claims or free legal advice then contact the Injury Lawyers today.

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