Injury claim accidents on a night out

After a long week of hard work we all look forward to the weekend, especially our Friday night. It’s the night we all go out and let our hair down, and dance away our stress. We’ve probably spent all week, maybe even all month planning this night out. We’ve spent hours in our local shopping centre trying to find the perfect outfit, shoes, bag and everything else. We’ve spend endless hours texting around friends, getting them organised, and at least two hours getting ready.

We all expect our nights out to be one to remember, to have a laugh with friends and who knows maybe even meet the next best thing to Gerard Butler. But what happens when a night out goes wrong? A night out around your local town, has the same possibilities of an accident occurring like a visit to your local supermarket…except may be greater.

With the high amounts of alcohol some party-goers consume – accidents are bound to happen. Trips and falls become the norm in clubs, whilst others stand by and laugh. If this happened in the day time they’d probably run to see if you were ok, but that’s what alcohol does. It’s expected!

What happens if you have been drinking and slip on the dance floor due to a drink someone spilt earlier, would it be your fault? This is where the confusion lies with accidents that happen on nights out. Some people may fear that because they were drunk the insurance companies will be reluctant to help them. They may even think it’s their own fault because they were drunk, so don’t even consider making a claim. If this happened in a shopping centre, and you slipped on a spillage that hadn’t been cleaned up, surely you’d complain?

The truth is that if you do slip on a night out, and it wasn’t your fault you may still be able to make a compensation claim. However this depends on a number of factors:

  • How much you had drank that night
  • Did you go to hospital
  • What injuries did you sustain
  • Was it in a well lit area
  • Did the staff carry out regular checks to maintain health and safety standards
  • Anyone who witnessed the event

When looking at compensation claims for an injury sustained on a night out an insurance company will look at all of the above. This means that if you have been drinking there is a chance that it could affect the compensation you’re entitled to, but there is also a chance that you will be able to claim compensation if the accident wasn’t your fault.

If you would like to speak to an injury lawyer regarding free legal advice about any of the topics mentioned above then The Injury Lawyers will be able to help. We will tell you whether or not you have a valid compensation claim, and how to go about it.

Call us on 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today, or if you prefer why not arrange a callback from one of our team, for instant FREE advice on whether you have a claim to make!

Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you when you have time to speak. You can also get in touch by using our LiveChat facility, which you’ll find in the bottom right of the screen, our expert Claims Team are always on hand to deal with your compensation questions.

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