Road Accident Claims – Advice!

Road accidents are a daily occurrence –sadly, they affect us all. It’s pretty common to have been in one nowadays, and we at The Injury Lawyers are here to help the victims of negligent drivers that have caused accidents.

So, what should you do if you have been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? As a blameless victim, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. What you need is an independent expert solicitor representing you for your case. Here are a few tips on what to do and what to avoid:

Dealing with the Third Party Insurers Directly – Avoid at ALL Costs!

  • You should never deal with the insurers of the driver at fault directly for a claim for injury. If they offer you a quick cash lump sum settlement figure, you must never accept it! The only way a claim can be valued is with expert medical evidence – without it, no one, including the insurers, has a clue how much you are genuinely entitled to receive!
  • If they offer to get you medical evidence, you should still get independent representation. When they have assessed the evidence and given you your valuation, how do you know it is accurate? The insurers telling you how much your claim is worth are the insurers paying you out – if they can save money, they will! Only a fully qualified solicitor is capable of fully assessing how much a claim is worth and ensuring that your claim is maximised. And with a good firm like us, there are no charges!

Choosing a Solicitor – get your own!

  • Never let an insurance company or a claims management company refer your case on to another solicitor. They are middle men, and they will profit from your claim for nothing. The solicitor they will refer your case on to will have paid a referral fee to buy the claim. They are not entitled to claim this fee back, and it is taken directly out of the running costs of your case. This leaves you with a poorer service than what you are entitled to receive, and more often than not, less compensation. With less money to spend on the case, how can you trust your solicitor to fight hard for your claim?
  • Go directly to an independent firm of expert solicitors – choose the lawyer that you think will make the best out of your claim. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and find out exactly what a solicitor can do for you!

Don’t Look Back in Anger!

  • Choose carefully – because once you have a solicitor, it may prove difficult to change to another solicitor if things go south (and with solicitors referred by other companies, usually they do!). Once your claim has been submitted on the Ministry of Justice Road Accident Portal, it is difficult to switch to another firm.  Make your decision carefully!

What Can a Good Solicitor Offer You?

Well, there are so many different ways people work – so I can tell you what The Injury Lawyers can do:

  • We are independent – we are not attached to any insurers or claims companies, so we have more money to spend on our clients, providing a better service.
  • We are an actual law firm – we are no claims management company – you have a fully qualified specialist injury solicitor working for you on your case. Not some unqualified claims handler!
  • We have a Genuine No Win No Fee – if the claim is not successful, we never charge you. If the claim is successful, we recover our fees directly from the other side. We guarantee we won’t charge you because, unlike other firms, we restrict our legal fees to whatever we can recover.

For more information on what we can give you to make your claim better, give us a call for a free, no obligation chat.

And remember – choose your lawyer carefully!

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