Road Traffic Accident Claims

It’s official, winter is here and the long cold nights are just the beginning. At the minute it gets dark around 7pm, soon it’ll be 4pm and the little daylight we have will be spent behind a desk.

For those of us who work 9-5 jobs the only hours of daylight are spent sat in traffic and behind a desk at work. Winter is responsible for some of the worst driving conditions, the roads are wet and slippery and the rain bouncing on your windscreen makes it hard to see.

When it starts getting dark at 4pm drivers will probably be more stressed out than usual. There’s something about the weather that affects the mood we are in. Summer tends to make us feel happy, whilst winter makes us feel down. Whatever mood you’re in don’t let it affect your driving on the road.

It’s important for all drivers to make sure they are visible to other motorists so it is important they keep their vehicles well lit. Those in motor vehicles should make sure they use the correct lighting, whether it is their fog lights or main beam. Road users such as cyclists should make sure they are visible too.

Cyclists should wear high visibility clothing when on the road and use visibility strips on their bike. They may also wish to attach a light to the front of their cycle. This will make it easier for other drivers to see them, especially in the winter when visibility is restricted. They should also stick to using cycling lanes when they’re available.

If you become involved in a road traffic accident in such conditions you may be able to make a compensation claim, if the accident wasn’t your fault. If you do become involved in an accident it’s important that you get the details of the other party involved. This means taking down their name, address and contact telephone number, along with the make and registration of their vehicle.

If you would like free legal advice on an accident you have been involved in and suffered injury because of, then you should contact the Injury Lawyers. We will be able to advise you on what to do next, and act on your behalf to get you the compensation you deserve.

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