Accidents Outside Schools

The roads outside schools can be extremely dangerous around the beginning and end of each school day. People park anywhere they can get, often double parking making it a nightmare for passing vehicles. It also makes it difficult for pedestrians when crossing the roads.

When driving outside a school you should keep your speed to an absolute minimum as there’s no way of knowing if a child’s going to suddenly run out in front of your vehicle. It’s likely that you won’t be able to see who’s behind parked vehicles, there may be children waiting to cross.

Unlike adults, children are not as aware of the danger of running out in front of vehicles, so are likely not to think twice before running out. All schools should have a lollipop person on duty, waiting to assist children when crossing the road.

With all of the cars trying to get past one another outside a school this can cause problems on the road. Some vehicles park blocking off driveways, others park on corners making it impossible for drivers to see when pulling out.

If you become involved in an accident outside a school you may be able to make a claim for compensation. If you’re in a vehicle you should take the necessary details of the other party involved. This means taking down their name, address, telephone number, insurance details and the registration of the vehicle they were driving. It is also a good idea to take the details of any witnesses of the accident.

If your child becomes involved in an accident when crossing the road, outside school, you should immediately contact the emergency services. Children are extremely vunerable when it comes to motor vehicles.

Either way if you have been involved in an accident whilst outside a school then you may be able to make a claim for compensation if the accident wasn’t your fault. For more information on injury law or to speak to an injury lawyer, contact the Injury Lawyers. We will be able to give you free legal advice about your compensation claim, and tell you what to do next.

We are an independent law firm, and work on a no win no fee basis. We will do everything within our power to get you the compensation you deserve.

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