Serious Road Accident Claims – Paralysed Student Settles for Record £17.5m

We at The Injury Lawyers, as expert specialist personal injury solicitors, are used to dealing with high value claims for personal injury. Our experience and specialism means that we guarantee maximum payouts for our clients, and we are best equipped to deal with serious injury claims. With these types of claims, it’s all about ensuring that we get the justice the victim deserves, so they can have a better quality of life in circumstances where they have been permanently disadvantaged.

So, here’s a story of a tragic accident that left a talented young sixth former with permanent disabilities after a road accident, according to sources from the Daily Mail (

According to the report, Chrissie Johnson, a student with a promising future ahead of her both career-wise and sports-wise,  was left tragically paralysed after a truck hit the car she was travelling in back in 2006. The report indicates that her payout is around £17.5 million; a possible record for the highest amount ever awarded to an individual. This huge payout will pay for the treatment and care she now requires for the rest of her life.

Following the accident, Chrissie has spent the last four years in and out of several hospitals and care homes, and she now resides in a care home in Brentwood. She has regained the ability to move one of her arms and communicate with others. The case was settled at the High Court today (8th October 2010); she will receive a lump sum of £4m plus index-linked and tax free payments of £300,000 a year for the care she needs to maintain a good standard quality of life. Her solicitor has advised that the total amount is expected to be in excess of £17.5m, which is believed to be the highest ever payout for a claim for compensation.

According to the source, Mrs Justice Swift, approver of the settlement figure, paid tribute to the victim and her family for the tough ordeal they have had to go through. She said “The fact that this has been a complex case legally must not mask the undoubted fact that this is a human tragedy, not only for Chrissie, but for her family, in particular her mother and siblings, who have made very considerable sacrifices in the years since the accident.”

In a separate statement from her mother, Gina Smith, she said “I am grateful that my daughter has financial security for the rest of her life, but I would of course happily give all this up and more to have my beautiful, smiling angel back to the person she was before this tragedy.”

It’s a truly tragic story that has left a young lady with the rest of her life ahead of her permanently disabled; her life of course will never be the same again. This story just goes to show the real value behind large payouts for victims in claims for compensation; this brave young lady needs care for the rest of her life. This payout gives her the financial security she needs to have the best quality of life she can possibly receive given the difficulties she will face for years to come.

The source indicates that she has so far astounded therapists with the progress she has made; let’s hope she continues to make good progress and hope that her life improves every day.

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