Get Help to Claim For An Accident at Work

Whatever career you have in life there will always be the possibility that you may become involved in an accident. It is the job of your employer to make sure that possibility is as small as possible, doing everything within their power to take care of such hazards. They should carry out regular health and safety checks, and make sure you have the correct training you need to do your job.

Although employers take precautions to prevent accidents at work, some accidents unfortunately are unpreventable. It may be that an employee forgets to put a type of equipment away or someone spilled something causing you to slip, that a piece of equipment you were using failed, or that you were given the wrong type of equipment to carry out your job.

Whatever the reason you shouldn’t become injured due to the negligence of another. If you have been injured at work then you should immediately inform your employer, or the person responsible for health and safety at work. They should then fill in an accident form, taking down all the details of the accident. After doing this it is important that you seek medical attention to get any possible injuries checked out. Some injuries such as whiplash may not become apparent straight away, they often take a few days to make themselves known.

If you have been involved in an accident at work that wasn’t your fault and you suffered injuries due to this then you may be able to make a claim for injury compensation. Because all compensation claims have a three year time limit it is best to do this sooner rather than later. Here at the Injury Lawyers we offer free legal advice and can tell you everything you need to know about making a claim.

We handle all our claims on a no win no fee basis, this means that all of the compensation goes to you. For more information contact us today.

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