Accidents in a Park

Parks are usually small play areas provided by the local Parish council for children to use at the supervision of their parents. The Parish council is part of a city or metropolitan council that carries out tasks on their behalf. It is their responsibility to make sure that the parks are well maintained and that the equipment is safe.

Going to the park for a child is an exciting day out, and for any a parent a chance for them to watch their children play with or alongside other children and generally enjoy themselves . A lot of parks throughout the UK have been modernised and have new equipment put in for children to play with.

This was after stories appeared in the news about parents reporting some parks unsafe for their children to play in; some even found serious hazards, such as needles in the parks! One child wrote to the Queen asking her not to close the park he locally played in because he really liked it there – this just shows the importance of parks to young children.

If your child becomes injured whilst visiting a park, it can be a worrying time for any parent. you should seek medical attention and immediately make your local council aware of the incident.

When doing so it is important to take note of what time the accident took place, and where in the park it happened. The council should follow this up with an investigation and a report. Depending on the seriousness of any injuries your child has sustained, the council may follow it up with a full investigation.

The council will of course assess the situation in order to determine who, if anyone, is at fault for the accident.  Children, especially those under 9-years-old, are not expected to have an understanding of danger

If you child did sustain injuries and the local council or another party is found to be at fault, your child may have a claim for compensation . Speak to an expert lawyer about your options for claiming.

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