Accidents at Work Claims

Going to work for most of us is part of life, whether we love it or hate it, it’s something we have to do. We need money to pay the bills, and working is the way to earn that much needed money. Whatever job role you have you expect to be safe whilst at work. Whether you work as a receptionist or a contractor it should be in your employer’s interest to ensure your safety whilst at work.

Upon starting a new job role there are numerous amounts of training that you should go through with your employer. They should go through fire training with you, this means showing you what to do in the unfortunate event of a fire drill. They should also show you the basic health and safety training. Part of this training includes manual handling; this is where employees are shown the safest way to lift objects. This is essential no matter what your job role, as a receptionist you may need to lift heavy delivery boxers, or in a job role such as a builder where you are working with heavy equipment on a day-to-day basis.

If you become involved in an accident at work you should immediately tell you employer or the person on site that is in charge of health and safety in your work place. If you have suffered any injury in an accident they will then carry out the necessary arrangements, this may mean filling out at accident report form with you. If the accident you became involved in caused you serious injury it may be that an investigation is carried out to why that accident took place.

If you have suffered any serious injury or feel pain after an accident at work, you should seek medical attention. They will then be able to diagnose the type of injury you have suffered, and follow the necessary procedure in helping you recover. With some injuries it may be that you need time off work to recover, your GP will be able to write you a medical note, stating why you are off work, and how long they think you’ll be off for. They can increase the amount of time you need off work if they feel necessary. You should also inform your GP how you sustained any injuries; they will then be able to make a note of this in your medical records.

If you have been inured in an accident at work that wasn’t your fault then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim.

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