Accidents in Schools

Schools have played a huge part in our lives and are going to do the same in our children’s. For many of us school was the best time of our life and if we could, we’d love to go back to the days when the only thing we had to worry about was getting our weekly spending money and being first in line for the dinner queue.

With the recently extended age to which children now have to stay in education, it’s essential that schools follow the essential health and safety rules. Depending on the area you live in some public schools can have around 2000 pupils. When a lesson changes that’s a lot of destruction going up and down the stairs. With pupils pushing and shoving to get to their lessons there needs to be some sort of lesson change mode.

With the different types of lessons going on in schools staff on site should ensure the equipment they intend to use in their lesson is in full working order. Some of the lessons where pupils are required to use more dangerous equipment are in science lessons and design technology. In these types of lessons pupils are required to use equipment such as gas taps, hot flames, saws and electric sanders, therefore it is essential they are taught how to use the equipment safety.

If a pupil at a school does become ill or involved in an accident depending on the seriousness of their injuries they will be asked to report to the local school nurse. They will then carry out the necessary procedure in assessing their injuries and either send them home, back to lesson or seek medical attention.

If your child does become involved in an accident at a school as a parent or guardian you have the right to find out exactly what caused the accident your child became involved in, and why the necessary procedures were not carried out to prevent this.

When your child attends school the school is responsible for ensuring their health and safety and must do everything to prevent such accidents. If your child has been injured in an accident by law they have up until their 21st birthday to make a compensation claim. However you can make a claim before on their behalf.

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