Sporting Accident Advice

Sport is a huge part of our culture in the UK, whether the sport you choose to take part in is football, basketball, swimming, etc. It is likely that you will have taken part in some kind of sport within your life. Sport is taught to children from when they begin their educated life at primary school, so it’s something they are brought up with.

With us following the lives of sporting heroes such as David Beckham and Jessica Ennis in the news, it’s easy to see that this is a subject of great interest to us all, throughout the UK, and around the world. Football of course is the most popular sport, hundreds of thousands of us follow it everyday. Those that do will see how easily a sporting injury can take place.

Sporting accidents can cause a variety of injuries, the most common are broken bones and torn ligaments due to the impact of a head on collision or a fall, they can also cause whiplash injuries. Some sporting injuries are easily recovered from, some not so easy. If you break your leg in a sporting accident for example it will be months before you fully recover and are able to take part in that part or any fitness routine for a long time.

Some sporting accidents may be a result of a misjudgement by the injured party. However other sporting injuries may be the result of the official’s failure to correctly set up the equipment or carry out the necessary checks before the accident took place. If this is the case you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. In the instance of a sporting accident you should:

  • Seek medical attention; it is likely there will be paramedics or first aid people on site if the sport is a public event. They should assess your injuries and carry out the necessary measurements; this may mean sending you to the nearest hospital for further examination.
  • Full out an accident report form; either a member of staff on site or a first aid person will do this with you. They will take down your contact details, along with a full account of what happened. Depending on the kind of accident you were injured in, it may require a full investigation to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.
  • Contact details of witnesses to the accident may be taken down, they will they act as evidence if an investigation is carried out.

If you have been injured in a sporting accident you have a three-year time limit to make a claim, and I advise that you seek legal advice from an injury law firm before doing so.

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