Water Park Accidents

Like any other leisure centre, water parks and their staff have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their customers. They must follow the accurate procedures in making sure that all aspects of health and safety are taken care of. This means making sure that all pools have the correct temperature and correct level of chlorine in them. 

Along with all of the pool checks they carry out, they must also make sure that there are no possible hazards such as spillages on the floor that people may slip on. They must also have a certain amount of lifeguards on shift to ensure the safety of those in the pool. All lifeguards that work at the water park must have the correct qualifications and experience so that in the unfortunate event of an incident, they know what to do.

For most of us, a day out at a water park is an exciting day that we choose to spend with either friends or family, and creates moments of enjoyment that we will cherish throughout our lives. However there are the rare cases when accidents do occur, and some can cause injuries that we remember for all the wrong reasons.

If you do become involved in an accident at a water park, if you haven’t got the attention of a lifeguard or first aid person, then it is essential that you make them aware of the accident. They will then be able to carry out the necessary procedure in assessing your injuries, and if need be, contact the emergency services.

There are a number of procedures staff should carry out if you do become involved in an accident at a water park:

  • Fill out an accident report form; this should give a description of how you suffered your injuries and what type of injuries you have suffered. It should also state the type of treatment you were given, whether they treated you on site, or if you were taken to A&E.
  • Depending on what caused your injuries they may need to close off an area of the water park until further investigation is done.
  • Take down witness statements to find out exactly what caused the accident, along with the names and contacts details of witnesses to the accident for future reference.

An accident for any family can be a worrying time, especially if it prevents you from carrying on with your everyday life. If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim.

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