Gardening Accidents

Although the types of weather we have experienced in the past few weeks are not ideal for gardening, some of us gardening-fanatics out there battle through to keep our garden looking in tip-top condition. To some of us our gardens are an area of relaxation and we take pride and joy in keeping them looking as tidy as possible. To others they make an ideal play area for the kids, and are good for BBQs in the summer.

There are a number of causes for gardening accidents – it may be that the tools you were using were incorrect and caused you an injury. Gardening also requires you to do a lot of lifting and bending; if you don’t do this correctly you may suffer from a back injury. If you are doing gardening in the winter you need to make sure that your electric machinery is plugged into a secure socket away from any water.

To prevent children or animals from getting involved in a gardening accident you should make sure that tools are put away at all times. Children and animals do not understand the danger of some objects, and so are vulnerable to injury.

If you have suffered injury whilst using an electric tool, it may be that the tool you were using was faulty and the manufacturer is to blame. If this is the case you may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim. After an accident you should seek medical attention from your local doctor or your local A&E depending on the severity of your injuries.

If it was faulty machinery that caused you injuries, the machine responsible may need to be sent away to be looked at. Before doing this you should contact an Injury Law firm; they will then sort out the necessary arrangements and handle the claim on your behalf.

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