Cyclist Accidents

With the increase of air pollution and the bid to cut down on emissions being released into the air, more and more of us are choosing to cycle to work. Cycling to work is a great way of keeping fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It also frees cyclists from the never ending queues of congestion on the roads.

In the UK, bicycle lanes are unfortunately only on specific roads, which means that cyclists are often forced to use main roads. This can be frustrating not only for the cyclist, but also for other road users. Some road users become irritated by cyclists and see them as hogging the road or causing more traffic. One of the reasons drivers become frustrated by cyclists is because they sometime’s don’t know what to do in the presence of them – should they overtake them, should they not? Some drivers want to overtake but are unable to do so because of on-coming vehicles.

With the increase in cyclists on the roads it is no surprise that the likelihood of becoming involved in an accident involving a cyclist is increasing. When cycling on the roads there are a number of things you can do to ensure your safety and make sure that other drivers can see you. This is especially important now the dark nights are drawing in:

  • Make sure your bicycle is well lit: one of the most common reasons for an accident involving a cyclist is that they driver didn’t see them. This shows negligence on the driver’s side; however, as a cyclist you must show a duty of care to other road users. One aspect of showing a duty of care is making sure your bicycle is well lit so other drivers can see you. You should wear bright-coloured fluorescent clothing; this will allow other motorists to see you without a problem. You should also attach some high visibility strips to your bike.
  • Wear the correct safety clothing: As a cyclist it is extremely important that you wear a suitable cycling helmet that provides the safety precautions you need in the instance that you become involved in an accident. A cycling helmet could save your life if you do become involved in an accident.

There are a number of laws that cyclists must follow when out on the roads. The key rule is that they must stay off pavements; cycling off and onto pavements to avoid traffic can result in a road traffic accident. When doing this driver’s might not see or expect you to go back onto the road, resulting in a collision. Cycling on pavements can also be extremely dangerous to pedestrians because they won’t expect to see you on there.

If you’ve been involved in an accident whilst cycling that wasn’t your fault then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. When doing so it is important that you have the contact details of the other party involved. For more information on making a cycling accident claim then contact the Injury Lawyers.

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