Supermarket Accident Claims Advice

If you have been injured in a supermarket accident that wasn’t your fault in the past three years then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. Supermarkets must provide a duty of care towards their customers which requires them to make sure that customers in their stores are not at risk from any hazards. This applies to all supermarkets, including Asda, Morrison’s, Waitrose, Tesco, Aldi, Lidl or a local independent supermarket.

To help prevent accidents all supermarkets usually have a system in place that requires members of staff to carry out regular checks, clean up any spillages, and to keep a written record of their cleaning programme. This helps the supermarket in the instance of an accident because they can then use this as evidence to prove that they showed a duty of care in looking after their customers.

If you are unfortunate enough to become involved in a supermarket accident, there are a number of things you should do:

  • Report to a member of staff so they can fill in an accident report form: All supermarkets should keep a file of accident report forms and these should be filled out every time an accident occurs, no matter how minor. This allows the supermarket to identify what caused you to suffer injury and how to prevent this happening in the future.
  • Take down witness details: After you have been injured in a supermarket accident you may decide that you want to make an injury compensation claim. In this instance taking down the names and contact number of any witnesses to your accident will act as evidence if you do choose to make a claim. Supermarkets are busy places so it’s likely that someone saw what happened.
  • Take photos of the scene of the accident: This will also act as evidence if you choose to pursue an injury compensation claim.
  • Seek medical attention: They will then be able to assess any injuries that you have sustained due to the accident and assist you along your road to recovery. You should also inform medics how your injuries were caused and they will then make a note of this in your medical records.

If you have been involved in a supermarket and are interested in making an injury compensation claim you should contact an injury law firm to see if you have a valid claim to make.

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