Accidents Caused by Uninsured Drivers

Most motorists in the U.K have the appropriate vehicle insurance to protect them and the other party involved, in the unfortunate event that they become involved in a car accident. When you take out insurance, depending on the type of cover you choose, it covers a range of things. The most basic and cheapest kinds of insurance you can take out is third party fire and theft; however a lot of us prefer to pay out that little bit extra and have fully comprehensive insurance.

Unfortunately there are some drivers out there that disregard the need for them to have motor insurance. They may do this for a number of reasons; whatever reason they choose, they do it because they think that they won’t get caught. When we think of uninsured drivers we may think that it is extremely unlikely they we could become involved in an accident with one. However, the latest figures released show that one in ten motorists has been involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver.

Below are some statistics about the uninsured drivers on our roads today – prepare to be shocked:

  • Approximately one in ten drivers has been involved in an accident with an uninsured driver.
  • Uninsured drivers are ten times more likely to drive whilst over the drink drive limit.
  • They are three times more likely to be convicted for a dangerous driving offence.
  • The total cost of uninsured motorist damage to the law-abiding drivers in the U.K is estimated to be about £380 million.
  • There are around 900,000 motorists under the age of 30 who are currently driving with no vehicle insurance.


It is no surprise that these statistics make the instance of us becoming involved in a road traffic accident with an uninsured driver not so far from reality as we first thought. 

The Department of Transport (DfT) is currently trying to crack down on the estimated two million motorists on our roads driving without insurance. The DfT are currently working with the police in the Serious Organised Police and Crime Act 2005 to give police the right to use their motor insurance data base to help track down uninsured drivers. This has helped the crack down on uninsured drivers with the police seizing around 1,500 vehicles per week.

Most law abiding drivers understand the importance vehicle insurance is, so why should they be forced to pay out or suffer from loss or damage if they become involved in an accident with an uninsured driver? The Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) adds around £30 to the average insurance premium; they then put this in a bank that goes towards compensating those injured in accidents by uninsured drivers.

If you become involved in a road traffic accident with an uninsured driver it can be an extremely stressful time. Compensation claims involving accidents with uninsured drivers are far from straight forward. If you have been involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver you will need to file for a claim with the MIB. It is advised that you seek legal advice and choose an experienced personal injury law firm to help you when doing this.

Like with any other type of accident that wasn’t your fault you have a right to make an injury compensation claim. Those who showed negligence in causing your injuries should compensate you for your injuries. For more information on accidents caused by an uninsured drivers contact the Injury Lawyers.

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