Learner Drivers-Road Traffic Accidents

For a lot of teenagers their 17th birthday is the one they look forward to the most. This is because at 17 they are allowed to apply for their provisional driving licence which means they are allowed to start having their driving lessons. There are thousands of people learning to drive every day, some in their teens, some much older.

Driving gives us a sense of freedom that we’ve never had before – it gives us the power to go where we want, when we want. It means that we don’t have to rely on other people to drive us around or hang around at bus stops in the cold weather. Along with the new found freedom driving gives us, it also gives us a responsibility.

When we are driving on the roads we must show a duty of care to other road users, and shouldn’t do anything that puts any road user at the risk from a road traffic accident. When we first begin our driving lessons it can be a daunting time as we suddenly realise the duty of care and attention that is required on the roads. We also learn that some drivers can be extremely inpatient with learner drivers.

As a learner driver we are expected to make mistakes and be uncertain of what we should and shouldn’t do. This is the reason we have a driving instructor sat at the side of us. It is their duty to help us develop a full understanding of the vehicle we are driving and teach us how to drive it in a way that is safe to everyone on the roads.

If we become involved in a road traffic accident whilst on a driving lesson we are insured by the insurance company covering our driving instructor’s car. In the unfortunate event of being involved in a car accident whilst learning to drive, it may be enough to put some drivers off using the roads all together.  Hopefully it won’t, and will be something you are able to forget about over time.

If the car accident you became involved in wasn’t your fault then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. Some drivers take an instant dislike to learner drivers and may drive extremely close up behind them. This is irresponsible and tailgating is also the cause of many accidents on our roads today.

When learning to drive, you should be accompanied with your driving instructor, so in the unfortunate event of a road traffic accident, they should know what to do. If you have been involved in an accident whilst learning to drive and would like more information on making a possible injury compensation claim, contact the Injury Lawyers today for some free and friendly legal advice.

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