Accidents in Nightclubs

Whatever our age, whether we are 18, or in our mid-thirties, we all love a good night out. There’s nothing better than spending a good few hours getting ready with friends, having a few glasses of wine, then hitting the town for a night of dancing. A night out down town is a way a lot of us celebrate the end of a bad week at work or welcome in the weekend.

Nightclubs usually have big events on at the weekend, which is when they expect the club to be at its busiest. They usually promote events by welcoming famous DJ’s; some clubs even have chocolate fountains or cupcakes to tempt party-goers to go to their venue.

Due to the amount of party-goers out at the weekend nightclubs need to take on extra staff to ensure there are no safety hazards in the clubs. Spillages happen frequently in nightclubs so staff have to constantly keep a look out. They also have glass collectors collecting empty bottles that have been put on the floor. Some nightclubs have a no drinks on the dance floor policy; this is to prevent anyone slipping on a spillage on the dance floor and can protect the nightclub from liability.

Although some nightclubs realise the benefits of a no drinks on the dance floor policy, some clubs still allow people to do so. If you slip on the dance floor in a nightclub, there are a variety of injuries you could suffer from. Depending on which part of your body you landed on, you may suffer from broken bones, or badly bruise your body. Slips and falls can also cause whiplash injuries; this is when the neck is forced to jolt either sideways, backwards, or forwards.

The problem with accidents that occur in nightclubs is that those who become involved in them may be over the legal drink drive limit at the time. We all know that drinking alcohol causes us to do things we wouldn’t normally do. If you had been drinking at the time the accident took place you may be able to make an injury compensation claim, however the amount of alcohol you consumed at the time of your accident may affect your claim.

If you would like more information about making an injury compensation claim, contact the Injury Lawyers today.

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