Avoiding manual handling accidents and injuries at work

A lot of people think that only those with jobs on construction sites, or similar industries, are at risk from a manual handling injury; the truth is that everyone is at risk from such an injury!

Regardless of what job you have, or where you work, it is likely that you will be asked to lift an object during your working life.

Manual handling is the process and procedure in which we lift and move objects around – no matter how big or small. On construction sites, workers are constantly working with heavy equipment – what some of us don’t realise is that receptionists, factory, retail and supermarket workers are also some of the professions that workers are required to work with heavy objects on a daily basis.

When ensuring that equipment and stock at work is moved safely, employers and employees both have a responsibility to ensure this is done properly.

Employers should:

  • Carry out a risk assessment on all manual handling work, and do everything in their power to eliminate anything which is of any risk.
  • Eliminate any manual handling that isn’t absolutely necessary.
  • Make sure all employees have had the manual handling training they need.

Employees should:

  • Use all safety equipment provided by their employer when carrying out work.
  • Speak to their employer if they have any worries about any manual handling work they have been asked to carry out.
  • Follow all health and safety guidelines provided by their employer.

If you become involved in a manual handling accident at work you should inform the person on site responsible for health and safety immediately.

If you suffered injury due to an accident and it wasn’t your fault, you may be able to make an accident at work compensation claim.

For more information contact the The Injury Lawyers for some free, no obligation advice by calling 0800 634 7575.

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