Accidents at School

When we send our children to school we do so in the hope that they will grow to have a highly successful career. School prepares our children for everything they need to know in the future and gives them the options to choose any career they want.

When our children are at school we expect that they will receive the care and attention they need. Teachers will do everything they can to ensure their safety when at school, and help them achieve to the best of their ability.

If your child does become injured in an incident at school, there is usually a school nurse on site who will assess their injuries, then carry out the necessary arrangements to get them the medical attention they need. If our children feel unwell at school they are usually sent to visit the school nurse before their parents are called and they are sent home.

If your child has been sent to the school nurse because of an accident they were involved in, the nurse should alert the child’s parents. They should either do this by a formal letter or call the parents or guardians of the child, depending on how severe their injuries are.

When a child suffers an injury in an accident that wasn’t their fault, they normally have up until their 21st birthday to make an injury compensation claim. If you are the child’s parent or guardian, you can make an injury compensation claim before they reach 18 on their behalf.

It is important that your child seeks medical attention after they have been involved in an accident at school. Medics will then be able to assess their injuries and make a note of these on their medical records. You should let the doctor know how your child suffered their injuries, and they will then include this in their medical records, and it will act as evidence if you later decide to make an injury compensation claim.

Taking photos of any injuries sustained by your child will also act as evidence if you later on do decide to make an injury compensation claim. For more information on making a personal injury claim contact the Injury Lawyers today.

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