Acidents When Travelling in a Taxi

When we order a taxi as a means of transport we expect that the service we receive from them will be to our satisfaction and that it will get us from A to B safely. In some cases it is understandable that road traffic accidents can’t always be prevented, especially if the person responsible for the accident makes it inevitable for the other party to avoid it.

If we become involved in a road traffic accident when travelling in a taxi, some of us may choose not to make an injury compensation claim, because we are unaware that we are able to so. As a passenger in the vehicle, any damage to us is covered under the driver or taxi companies insurance.

In the instance that we do become involved in a taxi accident, and suffer injury as a result, we may be able to make an injury compensation claim. As a passenger in the taxi, your chances of a successful claim are extremely high. After all, what could you have done to contribute or prevent the accident as a passenger?

Regardless of who is at fault, we are able to make a claim against the driver that caused the accident.

If we do become involved in a taxi accident there are a number of procedures we should follow:

  • We should take the name, address, and contact number of the other party involved in the accident, along with their insurance details and the make, model, and registration of their vehicle.
  • We should also take the identification number of the taxi driver (this should be visible in their vehicle) along with the registration of their vehicle.
  • If we have suffered any injuries we should seek medical attention. The medical staff will then be able to record these injuries in our medical records, and state how we suffered them.
  • If possible, take any photos of the accident scene or of any visible injuries sustained in the accident.
  • Keep a written account of the accident. What happened? Where did the accident happen? What time?

For more information on making a taxi accident claim contact the Injury Lawyers for free and friendly advice about claiming..

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