Why High Heels and Alcohol Don’t Mix

We all love going out – whether it means going for a few drinks at our local pub, or a big night out on the town. Either way it gives us the chance to let our hair down and relax. Some of us spend all week looking forward to a big night out at the weekend – but what happens if that big night out just doesn’t go to plan?

When I say doesn’t go to plan, I mean the unfortunate event of an accident occurring. When we’re out, we tend to drink more than necessary, and girls wear huge heels, which to some of us seem impossible to walk in. Both of these make the chances of us falling over and becoming injured greater.

If we fall over in a club and injure ourselves, would it be our fault? Or could the club be held liable? This depends on a number of factors – whether or not the club had a no drinks on the dance floor policy could affect your claim. Most venues have a record of checks they carry out regularly, which could act as evidence to show whether or not the club carried out the correct checks.

The amount of alcohol you drank when the accident occurred could also affect any claim you are looking to make. If the levels of alcohol in your body are more than the legal drink drive limit, it is likely that you will be seen to have showed contributory negligence towards your accident.

Courts will recognise that the levels of alcohol in a person’s body make them more prone and more likely to become involved in an accident. This is because alcohol affects the brain, making us more likely to fall over, or do things that normally we would think were unsafe.

If you have been, or become, involved in an accident on a night out that wasn’t your fault , you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. Prior to doing so it is a good idea to seek legal advice about the claim you are looking to make.

As with any claim, you will need to be able to prove that the other party involved showed negligence towards you and that their negligence caused you to suffer injury.

Like with any accident it is best that you seek legal advice before looking to pursue a possible injury claim. Give our claims team a call on 0800 634 7575 for free, expert advice on making a claim for compensation.

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