Accidents When Using Faulty Electrical Equipment

Electrical goods are something we use everyday – we use them both at work and at home, and let’s face it, we would struggle to do everyday things without them. When we use electrical equipment at work, it all needs to have been tested to make sure that it is safe for us to use, and that it follows all UK safety regulations.

When we purchase electrical equipment for our home we usually buy it from retail stores that we trust, and only buy and sell stock that has undergone the necessary checks, and abides by all safety regulations. To ensure our electrical equipment is safe at home, we should maintain it safely, and keep it away from damp conditions. If we think a piece of equipment is faulty, we should restrain from using it, and get it fixed or checked immediately.

A report done by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) confirms that electricity can easily and injure, and sadly kill, people using them. The report says that around 1000 electrical accidents are reported to them in the workplace each year, and that about 25 of those people die from their injuries. If electrical equipment isn’t used and maintained properly, it can have serious implications for those using it.

If you become involved in an accident whilst using a piece of electrical equipment that wasn’t your fault, then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. If the accident took place at work, you should immediately report it to your employer and let them know what happened. You should then seek medical attention, where your injuries will be properly assessed. You should inform your GP how your injuries were caused; they will then be able to make a note of this in your medical records, and it will act as evidence if you later on decide to make an accident at work compensation claim.

If you become involved in an electrical accident when using equipment at home, you should immediately switch off the power supply to the piece of electrical equipment and seek medical attention. After your injuries have been assessed, you may wish to look into what caused your accident. When doing so you should record the batch number of the product and report it to the manufacturer.

There have been a number of cases where manufactures have had to recall a series of products as they have discovered they were faulty after distributing them to shops. In some cases these products had already been sold, and those who bought them had to return the product.

If you have been injured whilst using a faulty electrical product, you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. For more information on making a claim, contact the Injury Lawyers for some free and friendly advice about claiming.

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