Be Safe When Using Public Transport

When using public transport, we all have a right to feel safe and free from any harm. On a bus, it is the driver and the bus company who owe us as their passengers a duty of care. In order to maintain this duty of care, they should drive safely, stick to the speed limit, stop at designated bus stops, and allow us time when boarding to sit down before they depart.

There have been many accidents on buses resulting from the driver failing to allow passengers time to sit down before they depart from the bus stop. This has caused unnecessary accidents, especially amongst the elderly who aren’t as strong on their feet.

A bus driver should give all people boarding the bus time to sit safely in their seats before departing from the bus stop. If a bus driver speeds off from a bus stop without giving passengers time to sit down, it is possible to make an injury compensation claim in some circumstances.

If a bus driver fails to let a passenger sit down before he leaves the bus stop, there is a chance that a person could fall over and seriously injure themselves. If this happens, the person injured may be able to make an injury compensation claim if the driver is found to have been negligent.

In order to make a possible injury compensation claim, the passenger would need to take the ID number of the driver, the bus number, and the registration number on the bus. The driver ID and bus number should be on the ticket you are given when you pay to board the bus – That’s why it is important that you hang on to them until the end of your journey.

For more information about accidents whilst using public transport, or if you wish to speak to one of our fully qualified lawyers regarding an accident, contact the Injury Lawyers for free and friendly advice.

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