What to do if you become involved in a Supermarket Accident

None of us expect to become involved in any kind of accident when going about our everyday business. However, we also know that if those responsible for ensuring we are safe fail to carry out the necessary safety checks and adhere to regulations, then our health and safety is put at risk.

Surprisingly, supermarket accidents are actually quite common; in fact, they are one of the most popular kinds of injury compensation claims we deal with. It is a huge possibility that we will all visit our local supermarket on a regular basis. Not only do they have everything we need under one roof, they also offer products at a much cheaper price than anywhere else.

Unfortunately, supermarkets aren’t just packed with goods but hazards as well; they have shelves stacked high with glass bottles, tins and other objects. Any spillage on an aisle could cause someone to slip or fall if it goes unnoticed. They also have large displays at the end of aisles; if they are not secured, they could fall over and injure a shopper.

To prevent accidents from happening in their supermarket, store employers must ensure that staff carry out the necessary checks and have received the correct training. This may mean checking the aisles for spillages regularly or following a cleaning schedule.

Hopefully, you will be able to go about your everyday business without becoming involved in an accident; however, if you become involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, there are a number of things you should do.

You should:

  • Report what happened to a member of staff: they will then be able to assess the situation. If you suffered injury due to the accident, staff on site may need to fill out an accident report form.
  • Take witness details: this is important if you would like to make an injury compensation claim after the accident. Supermarkets are busy places, so it’s likely that someone saw your accident. You should take down the names, addresses, and contact details of any witnesses.
  • Seek medical attention: after any accident that caused you injury you should seek medical attention. Medics will then be able to assess your injuries and carry out the necessary arrangements in assisting with any injuries. You should also inform medics how you suffered your injuries – they will then be able to make a note of this in your medical records.
  • Photographic evidence: Take photos of any injuries you have sustained. This will act as evidence if you decide you would like to make an injury compensation claim.

For more information on making an injury compensation claim contact The Injury Lawyers by calling our free, legal helpline on 0800 634 7575 today.

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