Accident Claims – Pavements

When we are walking around, the last thing we expect is to suffer a fall – not only would it be embarrassing, but in some circumstances, it could cause us to suffer a serious injury. When children are out playing on the street we often see them trip and fall over; this is expected. However, as an adult, we expect to be able to walk along a pavement without anything tripping us up!

A fall on a pavement may cause us to break a bone or hit our head, causing us to suffer a head injury. It could have a number of other effects such as causing us to suffer a whiplash injury. A whiplash injury is caused by anything which forces our neck to jolt either sideways, backwards, or forwards.

A fall on the pavement can be caused by a number of things – it may be that we have had a series of bad weather which has caused the pavements to become slippery. Or it may be that those responsible for maintaining the pavement have failed to do so, leaving cracks and holes – all potential neglgience for the council.

Hazardous pavements often have broken kerbs, poor quality pavement surfaces, or uneven pavement slabs. Either of these sets the scene for an accident to take place. If you notice a pavement that you find to be hazardous, you should report this to your local council. When doing so, sending a letter explaining why the pavement is dangerous, along with any necessary measurements and photos, will make the council aware of such a problem.

The previous weather conditions that Britain has seen have caused havoc on both roads and pavements across the country. With the snow and icy conditions Britain has been faced with, the country has been left with thousands of new potholes. Potholes are a nightmare for any road user and can be extremely dangerous. However, with the latest funding cuts, the council are going to find it hard tackling the potholes on our roads.

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from a trip or fall due to the condition of the pavement, you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. Prior to doing so, it is a good idea that you seek medical attention – your GP will then be able to diagnose any injuries you have suffered and make a note of them in your medical records.

For your claim to be successful you will need evidence of any injuries your have suffered and proof of the defect. It is a good idea to return to the scene after the accident and take photos of the defective pavement, and take photos of any visible injuries you have suffered. For more information on making an injury compensation, claim contact the Injury Lawyers for free and friendly specialist advice.

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