Accidents on a Night Out

Many of us go on a night out maybe once every couple of weeks, or maybe even once a week if the pennies allow.  For many an evening out could consist of dinner, a night club, bar or anywhere really where we can go out to let our hair down, relax and socialise with friends.  It is the last thing on our minds that we could have an accident and end up being injured!

It will probably come as no surprise that personal injury claims resulting from a night out are very common occurrences.  This is probably due to the fact that there are many hazards in night clubs and bars – such as spillages of drinks on the floor which cause a slip hazard and, broken glass on the floor which could exacerbate a fall injury or cause a direct injury.  If someone slips on a spillage which was negligently left as a hazard, and in doing so pulls you down to the floor with them, there could potentially be a personal injury claim for both victims’ injuries.

You may not think it, but pubs, clubs, and bars have the same duty to keep their patrons safe as anywhere else.  Many venues prohibit drinks on the dance floor to avoid spillages, or they provide plastic cups to avoid broken glass causing injury.

You may think that ‘well…I had too much to drink, it was probably my own fault’ – but before you come to this conclusion it is always worth giving a specialist personal injury lawyer a call. They can assess your claim and will let you know what they feel the outcome will be should it go to court.  Any advice should always be free, and if a lawyer feels you have a good case, they will take your claim on with a no win no fee agreement.  With a genuine No Win No Fee, you will not have to pay a penny – ever!

If you do have an injury whilst on a night out it is important to report it to someone as an accident report may need to be filled out. Ensure to obtain the contact details of any witnesses to the accident and seek out a medical professional who can assist with your injuries and make a record of it on your medical notes.

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