Whiplash Claims and Compensation

Whiplash is a common injury arising from road accidents. It’s caused by the sudden movement of the neck or head in a jolting fashion which is normal after an impact. Unfortunately, whiplash is a much more complicated injury than you’d think. In fact, if you are reading this and you are having the symptoms, you may be in for a bit of a shock. Here’s a guide on how it all works:

Whiplash Symptoms

  • Pain / stiffness / inflammation of the neck, back, and shoulders. Pain can radiate in to other areas as well (arms, legs etc).
  • Headaches – normally common directly after the accident.
  • Reduced movement in the affected area, and / or muscular spasms.
  • Pins and needles and / or numbness in the hands and arms.
  • Dizziness and tiredness – even vertigo in some cases.

A whiplash injury is generally hard to predict in the early stages. It affects different people in different ways, and is often subject to the force of the impact you have been involved in. You could be suffering for a couple of weeks, or you could be suffering for months and months.

Whiplash Treatment

Unfortunately, there is often very little your doctor can do to help you, other than prescribe you with some pain medication, and anti-inflammatory drugs if they are required.

Physiotherapy is a great way to assist with the recovery of your injuries. If you have been in an accident that wasn’t your fault, your personal injury lawyer should always offer you private medical care at no cost to you. The fees are recovered directly from the other side at the end of the claim, and should be covered under insurance in case the claim is lost. You should never be charged for your treatment.

Whiplash Compensation – How Much am I Entitled to Get?

It’s a difficult question to answer. I understand that isn’t what you wanted to hear, but the only way to value a whiplash injury is with specialist medical evidence arranged through a fully qualified injury lawyer. The medical evidence will give a fully qualified lawyer all the information they need to maximise what you are entitled to claim for.

On average, most minor whiplash claims settle for around £2,500. The minor whiplash bracket extends up to £5,000. If you have incurred any lost earnings through time off whilst injured, you can claim these back too, along with a claim for any care and assistance provided by friends or family, and any medication costs.

The aim is to put you back in the financial position you were in before you had your accident on top of your claim for pain and suffering; so if you’ve lost it, you claim for it!

Whiplash Claims – What Should I Do!?

The first thing you should do it take a breather and try not to panic – You may have been contacted by insurance companies offering you quick cash settlements or appointed solicitors – you must avoid insurance companies at all costs. Accepting an offer, or dealing with the other side directly without a lawyer leaves you liable to under settle your claim. And choose your own lawyer – lawyers referred through insurers or claims companies will have paid out a huge referral fee to buy your case, leaving them with less money to fight hard for your claim.

Instruct your own independent specialist firm of personal injury lawyers on a genuine no win no fee basis. You will always receive 100% of your compensation amount, and you will never be charged anything whatsoever. Not a penny!

If you would like further whiplash advice, feel free to get in touch.

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