Food Poisoning

Due to our busy lifestyles and fast food culture, many more of us are eating out at restaurants, pubs and cafes.  It may be for a quick breakfast such as a bacon sandwich before work, it may be grabbing a quick bite at lunch, or it may be an evening meal to celebrate a special occasion. Whatever it is, we would hope that the food has been cooked correctly, the food is of a high quality, and the premises in which it has been cooked has a high standard of cleanliness.  This, however, is not always the case.

In many cases of food poisoning the symptoms are mild and we may suffer for a period of 24 – 48 hours, then feel fully recovered.  However, in some more serious cases involving food poisoning, the symptoms can go on for a longer period of time, be more aggressive, and ultimately land the victim in hospital seriously ill.  In groups of people such as the very young, very old, or people already suffering with an illness, contracting a serious case of food poisoning may even become life threatening.

If you fear that you may have food poisoning, the common symptoms to look for are sickness, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, a high temperature, and a loss of appetite.  You may have all or some of these symptoms.

Food poisoning is caused by bacteria, toxins or viruses which have come into contact with food that you have consumed.  Food which is most vulnerable to contamination if not handled, stored, or cooked in the correct way are pre-packed ready to eat foods, meat, and dairy products, such as milk and eggs.

If you think you have food poisoning, in order to relieve the symptoms, it is advised that you drink plenty of fluids, have lots of rest, and eat plain, easily digestible food such as toast.

If you have suffered from a serious case of food poisoning and you feel that it was contracted from a food establishment, then you may well be able to claim for compensation. You should call a specialist personal injury lawyer to discuss your claim.  You should also get checked out at the local doctors, and contact your local environmental health officer whose contact details can usually be found out through your local council.

The Injury Lawyers work hard on your behalf to make sure we get the best possible compensation for our clients.  We work on a no win no fee basis, so win or lose you don’t have to pay a penny.

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