Back Injuries – Compensation

Our backs are probably the most important part of our body. Without them, we couldn’t do anything. The strain your back goes through on a day to day basis can be immense – so injuring this vital part of the human body can leave you in agony – and there are several ways you can injure your back at work, going about your daily business, or from having a fall.

Back Injury Symptoms

Well, it’s quite easy to diagnose back pain! Not so easy to find out the root cause; but if your back hurts, aches, feels tight, inflamed, has reduced movement, or you are suffering from chronic bouts of back problems, we suggest you see your GP immediately.

Back Injuries from Falls

  • A fall from a trip or slip can leave you with severe back pain. If you land on your back, then you’ll know about it! But even twisting as you fall can stretch the muscles and leave you in pain.
  • If you fall fast, you can even end up with whiplash. Whiplash is normally caused by the sudden jolting your neck – whiplash pain can easily radiate down in to your shoulders and your back.
  • If you fell through no fault of your own, you can make a claim for compensation. Whether you tripped over a raised paving slab, stumbled on a gap in the kerb, or slipped on a wet floor with no warning signs present, you should always speak to an expert injury lawyer and find out about your right to claim.

Back Injuries from Road Accidents

  • If you’re in a car accident, you will likely end up with whiplash. As mentioned above, the sudden jolting of your neck, back, and shoulders can leave you with a whiplash injury. Even if it’s just your neck, the pain can radiate down in to your shoulders, back, and even arms.
  • If you have been in a road accident that wasn’t your fault, we highly recommend that you speak to an expert injury lawyer. Road accidents are normally easy to establish who is at fault – so it’s likely you will have a winning claim.
  • When you make your claim, avoid letting insurance companies refer (otherwise known as SELL) your claim on to a solicitor you haven’t chosen. Avoid speaking to claim companies as well – they’re just as ready to take a referral fee and a cut from your claim. Going down this route leaves you with a solicitor with less money to spend on your claim. Go direct to your chosen lawyer – if a solicitor has bought your case, they can’t afford to fight as hard for your compensation, nor can they provide you with a great service.

What to Do?

  • We recommend you visit your GP or a local hospital as soon as you can.
  • Speak to an expert injury lawyer direct and find out about making a claim for compensation. Make sure you get the Genuine No Win No Fee – meaning no cost to you, and 100% compensation.
  • If you need treatment, a good injury lawyer will arrange private medical care at no cost to you – even if the claim is unsuccessful.

Back Injury Compensation Calculator

To find out how much you could be entitled to, give our calculator a go. It bases the info you put in to it with the JSB Guidelines – official guidelines we as solicitors and judges at court use to value claims – so it’s great at giving you a rough idea.

For full advice on back injury claims, give us a call for free and friendly no obligation advice.

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