No Win, No Fee Accident Claims

At The Injury Lawyers, we truly believe that each and every one of our clients should keep 100% of their compensation, not 75%, not 99%, but 100% of your compensation. After all, it is YOUR compensation. You are awarded compensation to place you in the position you would have been had your accident not occurred, and you had not been injured. 

If we were to take a percentage, even a tiny percentage of your compensation, that would mean that you had not been fully compensated for your injury.  You would not have been placed in the position you would have been in had the accident not occurred and you had not been injured. 

Therefore, under our genuine No Win No Fee, the Conditional Fee Agreement, you do not pay for any of our legal fees.  So, should you win your claim, you keep all your compensation, and should you lose, you do not pay us a penny.We fund the entirety of your claim.

So how do we get paid?

Well, where your case is successful we are able to recover our legal fees directly back from the other side.  This is why you keep 100% of your compensation. That is why there are no hidden deductions or charges.  But how do you know for certain we won’t change our minds and charge you? 

Firstly, we are a reputable firm, and it is something we just would not do. And secondly, just to give you that extra piece of mind, our ‘No Win No Fee’ agreement is unique. How so? Well, we specifically state in our agreement that we can only recover our fees from the other side, and that we shall NOT seek to recover any fees from you.

Think of it as a contract where we specifically declare we will not do something, and this is binding. And this is unique? Yes, we believe so. Whilst many other personal injury firms will give you 100% of your compensation, do they specifically limit themselves in their ‘no win, no fee’ agreement?  We haven’t seen any others!

One of the reasons we are able to guarantee you receive 100% of your compensation is that we never buy personal injury cases. Hold on, buy a personal injury case? Unfortunately, some other personal injury ‘firms’, sell your claim on to another bidding firm. In other words they are not really a personal injury firm, but a claims selling company. You take your personal injury claim to them and they will, instead of directly helping you, attempt to sell your claim to the highest bidder and let them deal with it. What this means is that because the lawyer has bought your claim they are instantly at a loss – they need to recoup the money they have spent buying your claim, and are therefore likely to try and limit your claim in some way. 

At The Injury Lawyers we believe this practice is wrong, and therefore proudly state that we have never purchased a personal injury claim from one of these claims companies – and we never will!

If you have been involved in an accident and suffered injury and loss, it is not only important that you seek the advice of a quality personal injury lawyer, To find out more, just call 0800 634 7575 today.

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