No Win No Fee Solicitors

If you’ve had an accident that wasn’t your fault, the only way is to claim with a proper No Win No Fee lawyer on board. No Win No Fee is a common term nowadays, and most people have a general idea as to what it’s all about.

However, of the countless cases we accept on a daily basis, offering our unique and Genuine No Win No Fee agreement, the questions claimers want to know are normally always the same:  “so, what am I liable to pay for?”.

Well, the answer is actually dependant on the No Win No Fee agreement you enter in to – they can vary dramatically from firm to firm. So, here’s a guide on how it all works, based on our Genuine No Win No Fee, to give you the info you need, and to prepare you to ask the right questions to your prospective lawyer:

What Happens if I Lose My Claim?

In a No Win No Fee agreement, you pay nothing to your lawyers if your claim is not successful. The reason for this is that your lawyers will only take on a claim if they think it’s going to win – unfortunately, following intensive investigations with the Defendant (person or company responsible for your injuries), they may not be liable compensate you. If this is the case, and no compensation is awarded to you, you pay nothing – not a single penny – to your lawyer.

What Happens if My Claim Wins?

Now this is a more common question! No Win No Fee pretty much does what it says on the tin – if the claim loses, you don’t pay. But, what happens if the claim IS successful? Well, you shouldn’t have to pay anything to your solicitor as they will recover their legal fees directly back from the other side. Under a Genuine No Win No Fee like ours, we limit our legal fees to whatever we recover back from the other side. This means that we can’t charge you any shortfall we incur.

BE WARNED: Most No Win No Fees state that your solicitor will only seek to recover your legal fees back from your opponent. Because they only “seek to recover”, they could, if they wanted to, recover their shortfall from you. Thankfully, most lawyers wouldn’t use this power. But some will – so always go with a genuine No Win No Fee that actively restricts legal fees to whatever is recovered back from your opponent. This added safety net guarantees you will never pay a penny.

Come on: What’s the Catch? What am I Liable for???

Under a Genuine No Win No Fee, so long as you comply with the terms of the agreement, there are no catches, and you are liable for absolutely nothing! It really is as simple as that!

For more advice about the Genuine No Win No Fee, feel free to get in touch. Just bear in mind that there are a lot of No Win No Fee’s out there – so make sure to ask your prospective lawyer as many questions as possible.

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