Holiday Food Poisoning

We all love to go on holiday to maybe get some sun, relax, and have a change of scenery. We also love to go on holiday to experience the local cuisine – it maybe a paella in Spain, or a tagine in Morrocco.  Whatever the reason, we all would hope that our holiday runs smoothly and goes by problem free and easy.

The above may be true for the majority of us; but incidents such as food poisoning whilst on holiday are becoming more and more common.  This may come as no surprise as many hotels abroad may not have the same health and safety standards we have in the UK – which coupled with high temperatures can cause food to be easily contaminated.

For many, food poisoning can be mild, with the symptoms lasting 24 – 48 hours.  However, serious cases of food poisoning can result in longer periods of discomfort for the sufferer, which could culminate in being taken into hospital, or even, in extreme cases, be life threatening.

Food poisoning is caused by food coming into contact with bacteria, viruses or toxins.  Foods that are most vulnerable to this if they have not been stored, handled or cooked in the correct manner are meats and dairy products.

The symptoms of food poisoning are stomach cramps, sickness, fever, diarrhoea and a loss of appetite.  You may have all of these or any one of them.  In order to relieve these symptoms it is advised that the sufferer drinks plenty and fluids and takes lots of rest.

If you have suffered a serious case of food poisoning whilst abroad, you may not think that you are able to claim, or you may think that the process would be too complicated.  This, in a lot of claims, is not the case.  A good injury lawyer with specialist knowledge in this area would be able to assess your claim, usually free of charge (but check this), and tell you whether you have a case.  You have nothing to lose by trying!

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