Night out – Accidents

Everyone enjoys going on a night out.  It may be for a meal with your loved one, for a good dance with your friends, or for a few after work drinks down the pub.  Whatever your night out, you would hope that you have a good time, relax, socialise and let your hair down. The furthest thought from your mind is that you may have an accident causing an injury.

There are many possible injuries which can be caused on a night out.  If we take the example of a night club – there may be spillages on the floor causing a slip hazard, or even items such as broken glass on the floor which could compound a fall injury making it worse, or could cause a laceration to the foot.  Even if someone else slips on a spillage which has negligently been left untreated, and pulls you down with them, you may still have a claim for compensation.

Like anywhere else, pubs, bars, nightclubs and restaurants have to abide by strict Health and Safety Regulations in order to keep their customers safe from harm.  You may think that the accident was your fault as you had consumed too much alcohol – but before you come to this conclusion you have nothing to lose by calling a solicitor who can advise you, free of charge, whether you have a claim.

If you have an accident on a night out it is important that you report it to someone at the venue as it may have to be logged in an accident book. You should also seek medical attention for your injuries whether it be that night at an A and E department or the next day at a GP – this allows the medic to record this in your medical records.  After the accident, you should take a look around to see if anyone witnessed your accident – get the witnesses contact details as you may need their support with any later claim.  Lastly you should seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer directly. I say directly as there are many referral agents out there who may simply sell your claim to the highest bidder rather than the firm who can give you the best service.

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