Accident in a Supermarket? We have the Claims Advice to Help.

We all love supermarket shopping as the prices are cheaper, there are discounts galore, and everything is all under one roof.  We can see how supermarkets are becoming the fast answer to a busier lifestyle with less and less money to spend.

So we may go to the supermarket with all this in mind, but the farthest thing from our mind is that we will have an accident within our supermarket which was not our fault, and end up injured.

Now there are many potential hazards in supermarkets – for example spillages causing slip hazards, items left in the aisle causing trip hazards, or poorly stacked items falling from the shelves on to us.

Supermarkets, like anywhere else, have a duty to keep their customers safe as far as possible and foreseeable. They also must comply with stringent Health and Safety Regulations .  They must train their staff in the correct manner so they know the correct procedures in – for example – the event a spillage occurs, how to stack shelves safely, or simply to check aisles regularly for items left on the floor.

In the event you suffer an accident that was not your fault in a supermarket, here’s a little advice:

  • Report the incident to a member of staff as they may need to make a record of it in an accident book.
  • Seek medical assistance for your injuries as this allows the medic to make a note of it in your medical records.
  • Check if there were any witnesses to your accident and obtain their contact details as they may be able to support any later claim you may have.
  • Seek out a good personal injury solicitor to deal with your claim – it is important to go to a solicitor directly and not go through a referral agency.  A referral agency may simply sell your case onto the highest bidder rather than the person who will give you the best service.  It may be unclear whether a firm are referral agents, or are the solicitors – so simply asking up front is advisable.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with supermarket claims.  We do not use referral agents and all of our clients come to us direct – so we can always afford to spend the maximum amount on making your claim as successful as possible. We work on a genuine no win, no fee basis, and it is free of charge to call us to see whether you have a claim – so don’t hesitate to give us a call!

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