Road Traffic Accidents

Road traffic accidents are unfortunately almost an inevitable part of everyday life. Whether it is a minor collision on our roads causing a little dent in their car, or whether it is far more serious and someone is horrendously injured, road traffic accidents occur all too often. 

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and you have sustained an injury as a result you may be entitled to claim for road traffic accident compensation

Importantly, you do not have to have been in a vehicle itself to be entitled to compensation. If you were a pedestrian and have been injured by another person’s vehicle, you may still deserve compensation.  Simply put, being involved in a ‘Road Traffic Accident’ does not mean you had to have been in a car or another vehicle – you could be a pedestrian.

Sadly, this was a scenario all too familiar to James Sedge. Kent Online reports that Mr Sedge suffered horrendous injuries after being hit by a speeding BMW X5 when attempting to cross the road. It is said that Mr Sedge was thrown across the road and into a bollard, subsequently suffering a serious head injury which has left him dependant on around-the-clock care.  As such Mr Sedge is now in the process of seeking compensation that could amount to millions of pounds.

At a recent court case it was found that the driver who had hit Mr Sedge was negligent in driving too fast and was 75-per-cent responsible for Mr Sedge’s injuries. 

The reason that Mr Sedge was 25-per-cent responsible for his injuries was because he had stepped onto the road without looking and did not therefore know that there was any traffic. This is what is known as contributory negligence

In this case, yes Mr Sedge was injured as a result of the Defendant’s negligence, and yes the Defendant was going too fast and did cause his injuries, however, Mr Sedge could have helped the situation by taking necessary precautions before crossing the road. This is one of the reasons you should, if you have been involved in a road traffic accident, consult a specialist injury lawyer to properly advise you as to the percentage of compensation you may be entitled to. 

If the other side alleges that you have been 25% or 50% responsible for your injuries for example, an experienced injury lawyer can advise you whether they believe this is correct. In this way your professional injury lawyer will maximise your compensation.

At The Injury Lawyers, our legal advice is independent and comes free of charge. You have absolutely nothing to lose in seeking this advice and can be set well on the way to obtaining the compensation you believe you are entitled to.

Call 0800 634 7575 to get your road traffic accident claim started today. If you prefer, why not arrange a call back from one of our team, for FREE instant advice on whether you have a claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you back at a time which suits you.

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