Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents

The topic of this blog may be bicycle and motorcycle accidents; however, this can include mopeds, quad bikes, and other similar forms of transportation.

It is easy to see why people like to cycle as it is cheaper (especially with these growing fuel prices), it’s a good exercise, and it’s better for the environment.  It is easy to see why people like to get about using a motor bike as it has the thrill factor and there is a great community within bikers.  However, along with all these great perks comes the sad news that accidents involving these types of vehicles are on the increase – and can often lead to fatalities.

The fact that these accidents are on the increase may come as no small shock to many readers as if we take the example of motorcycles – these can seem to come out of nowhere on the road.  Accidents involving motorcycles tend to occur most predominantly due to traffic meeting at junctions, cross roads or roundabouts, defects on the road surface, items left in the road, or bad weather conditions.

Statistics seem to suggest that motorcycle accidents occur mostly within the group of males aged 30-39.  This sector of our society are most likely to be the main bread winner of a household – maybe supporting a young family and coming towards the peak of their careers.  It is for all the above reasons that in the event you have suffered a personal injury and it was not your fault, you should start a claim for compensation as soon as possible.

By seeking out a specialist personal injury lawyer and beginning your claim at the earliest opportunity it allows the lawyer to try and get liability admitted sooner rather than later, and allows your injury lawyer to make an application for interim payments if you are suffering financial hardship as a result of the accident.  Interim payments are payments which can be obtained for victims of accidents before settlement of their case to ensure they are not suffering financially whilst waiting for their case to come to a conclusion.

If you are involved in an accident that was not your fault it is important to report it to the Police who may conduct an official police report.  You should also seek medical assistance for your injuries as this allows medics to make a note in your medical records. You should also check for any witnesses to the accident and obtain their contact details as they may be needed to support your claim.  In the event the other driver is uninsured or untraced, we can still claim against the Motor Insurance Bureau.

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