No Win, No Fee

Almost everyone reading this blog will be aware of the term ‘No Win, No Fee’.  It is a common term nowadays and is featured heavily in the television advertising of personal injury solicitors.  But what exactly does ‘No Win, No Fee’ mean.  Well, unfortunately, for different law firms it means different things.  However, at The Injury Lawyers, it means only one thing –  Simply put, it means that if you do not win your claim you do not pay us a penny.  Not a single penny.  What then if you are successful?  Great news!  It also means that you do not pay us a penny.  That is what separates The Injury Lawyers from other personal injury law firms.  Even if you win, you keep 100% of your compensation; guaranteed.  After all, it is your compensation, and we genuinely believe you should receive every single penny for it.  We believe this because you are awarded compensation in order to place you in the position you would have been had your accident not occurred and you had not been injured.  So, for us to ask for even a penny of that compensation would be to your detriment – ultimately you would end up being under compensated.  That is something we at The Injury Lawyers could not stomach.

So, under our Conditional Fee Agreement (the technical term for our genuine No Win, No Fee agreement) if your claim is unsuccessful you owe us nothing.  It could not be any simpler.

Does that then mean that if I win my claim you will take a percentage of that or try and recover your costs from me?  Absolutely not! We recover our fees from the other side.  Even if we do not get all our fees back we will never come to you for those fees – that is our problem – and under our agreement we cannot seek these fees from you.  We enter into a contract which explicitly states we cannot get our fees from you – so you have absolutely nothing to worry about; which is what separates our agreement for the other law firms.  You keep all of your cash guaranteed.

Our genuine No Win, No Fee agreement has no catches.  You therefore have nothing to lose, should you have been unlucky enough to have been injured in an accident which occurred through no fault of your own. Contact our friendly team here at The Injury Lawyers for some free, quality legal advice.  Importantly, even if you do not choose to take The Injury Lawyers route, all we ask is that you check the paperwork of your chosen law firm carefully.  Make sure there are no catches and that they will truly let you keep all of your compensation.  We would hate it if you do not receive 100% of your compensation.  It’s just not right.

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