Compensation Claims

Personal Injury claims are on the increase and this may be for a number of reasons, one reason being that more people are aware of their rights and what they can claim for.  However, this does not mean that everyone who comes to us is fully confident in the fact that their injury can give rise to a claim.  The Injury Lawyers are open from 9am – 10 pm and we have experienced staff on hand to explain there and then whether you have a claim – this advice is also free of charge whether you have a claim or not.  You have nothing to lose by trying.

At The Injury Lawyers we are approached by clients who have suffered injuries in a variety of accidents.  I will list some of the sorts of claims which we deal with here at The Injury Lawyers:

  1. Accidents at work – these can include injuries from heavy lifting, slips and trips, and falling from a height.  If you feel your employer has been negligent in some way and this has led to your accident then you may have a claim for compensation. Industrial disease cases can also come under this with cases such as Vibration White Finger and Beat Knee.
  2. Road Traffic accidents – these are extremely common types of claims and include all means of transportation – whether your accident is in a car, on a motor bike, or even if you were travelling on a bus, you can claim for compensation if the accident wasn’t your fault.
  3. Clinical negligence – if you feel that you have not received adequate care from a clinical professional and it has lead you to suffer in some way, then you may have a claim. This can include care whilst in hospital, a walk in clinic, or whilst visiting your General Practitioner. It also covers any private care you have as well.
  4. Accidents at school – we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with accidents within schools.  You can act as an agent on behalf of your child by becoming their Litigation Friend and dealing with the claim on their behalf if they have been failed by their school.
  5. Accidents in a supermarket – Supermarkets have a duty keep their customers as safe as is reasonably possible.  There are many possible hazards in a supermarket from slipping on a spillage to tripping on an item left in an aisle or having items fall on you from a poorly stacked shelf.

This list is by no means exhaustive – so if you have a claim which is not included within this list there is no need to worry. At The Injury Lawyers we deal with a vast amount of different types of claims and we work hard on behalf of our clients to ensure they receive the highest possible amount of compensation.

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