Personal Injury Claims

If you have been involved in an accident and have subsequently sustained an injury through no fault of your own, making a claim for compensation could not be easier.  Despite what some people believe, or may have told you, making a claim for compensation is not difficult and does not take as long as it once did.  How come? Well, recently there has been the introduction of the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury claims.  This has somewhat streamlined the process, making it more systematic and has made the process of seeking compensation rather easier.  So, if you have been put off making a claim for compensation because you think the other side will drag out the matter, not come back with a decision on liability, or that it will take too much effort, this guide has been created to ease those worries and show you that things really are simpler than you may think.

At The Injury Lawyers we do everything in our power to ensure not only that you receive the maximum compensation that you deserve, but also that you receive this compensation with the least amount of fuss and in the quickest time possible.  How do we do this?  Well we efficiently guide you through the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury claims.  Here is a little guide as to how we do this.

The Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury claims sets out a sequence of easy steps that are to be taken by both sides in order to settle your personal injury claim as quickly as possible.  We will initially create a Letter of Claim which summarises your accident, the injuries you have sustained, and details of any financial losses you have incurred as a result of your injury.  We always produce a detailed Letter of Claim to make sure that investigations of your claim can begin at once.  This Letter of Claim is sent to the other side who have a period of 21 days to acknowledge receipt of this letter.

In almost every case the other side will hand the Letter of Claim to their insurer or solicitor within this 21 day period.  As soon as the Defendant or his/her insurer or solicitor acknowledges the Letter of Claim, they are allowed three months to investigate your claim.  Importantly, this is not to say that the investigations of your claim will take three months, this is simply a deadline in which the other side must come back to us within stating whether liability is admitted or denied.  During this three month period we will contact you every two weeks to make sure you are always up-to-date on how your claim is going (you don’t see contact as regular as that at many other law firms!).  We will also be frequently chasing the other side for their position on liability.

The Injury Lawyers should be your first choice for a professional and fast service.  We understand your concerns and that is why we update you regularly.  We also know that you want your whole ordeal over as soon as possible and we do all we can to ensure that this is achieved.

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